I jumped between dents of the earth
The home-made valleys
Dark brown the colour of bland
I imagined a run for cover

A bell of siren in yell get down
I would crouch my small body dwarf
Lie roaring laughing face-down in bog
Its smell as natural as fig in leaf

I’d hold stillness like the early morning in Berry Bog
Wondering which delve my friend had occupied
Was she down full length
Stretched out coffin-like

Or was she all fours for the ground
Arms as paws or just on twos
Which drain or dyke was she poured into

Was it the one two dips away from mine
Or had she run far down the bog
Would the bogey bogman get her

Then I’d sunrise out of my punctured earth
Run from bog hole to bog hole
Calling berry berry
At last I’d catch the rim of her head peeping