If syllables are a weird subsection of music, which is an odd subsection of heat, then these things we call words are insane subdivisions rather than composites of syllables. In the films they dodge the weapon in slow-mo just in time just as just in time production starts. Let that last bit be true. There then exists such antipodal points that the function of the sound is its derivative and its intervals are uncountable.
cuts of composition, cuts of feeling removed from each other, cuts of cutting across one another in walking and talking, which are attempts at disintegration. cuts to funding, cuts of border in earth itself, cuts on those rubber trees, the cuts the handout makes in the frame of the "artwork" to open it out to us. cuts water makes as it erodes valleys, the cut of hearing another sound from another room while listening to another again, the film feeling cutting or cut off, does it cut us
for James & Nisha
light produces light but we isolate
all the extinct carbon based life of the earth and living exhumed
can the extinct not rest
exhausted obviously, music is not a thing
but an absence the gravity sink w/a horizon
fall into the music
its soft hair fractal tendrils preserve and encode everything insideeverything that has been destroyed there is no need to prove it
because it is not a proposition