(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U)1

Mary O’Donnell, ‘An Irish Lexicon,’ 2013

the/ came across the sea

/ith lassoes for our tongues more letters than /e had before

e/er/ speech and drama lesson starts the same

this that these

and those

for fear of a slip of the tongue a dis, dat, dese

the /ail of a banshee

O/id blamed a disappointing se/ual performance on a /itch

at uni/ersit/ girls slept /ith ta/i dri/ers for mone/ proud the/ /ere of being able to pa/ their o/n /a/ to be independent as orphans

to be modern /omen

i read some/here that cursing is pre/alent in Irish men

because of their rage towards /omen to/ards the religion and the language that suppresses them

supressing rage ensures the alliance of m/ speechlessness m/ po/erlessness

the rain in Spain lies mainl/ in the

ho/ long do /ou ha/e to push against something the fire door in /our mother’s apartment

the creases in /our palms the realms of comprehension before /ou get tired

la/ /our head against the cool steel and SUBMIT?