
The tragic death of a Chinese performer in Loughrea, County Galway, in 1936 inspires Clara Kumagai to examine concepts of belonging, sameness and home.

Essay Issue 43, Volume 2: Winter 2020-21

Breasts and Eggs

Mieko Kawakami's latest is a novel of uncertainty, absence, and bodily obsession.

Criticism 27th August 2020

Tokyo Ueno Station

Yu Miri's subtle novel about a man who haunts a Tokyo park is a deft and insightful look at the character and contradictions of modern Japan.

Criticism 8th May 2019

Real Boys

Fiction Issue 35, Volume 2: Winter 2016 - Fear & Fantasy

Clara Kumagai

Clara Kumagai is from Canada, Japan and Ireland. She writes fiction and non-fiction for children and adults, and currently lives in Tokyo.