Jessica Traynor Essay Issue 48, Volume 2: Summer 2023
Paul Van Sickle Essay Issue 48, Volume 2: Summer 2023
‘I don’t want to be looked at but I sing, amplified in a crowded hall. I don’t believe in admitting opinions but I agree to explain myself in essay format… This is the want and the shame of wanting.’
Kevin Doherty Essay 29th March 2023
Contributors: Dizz Tate, Olivia Fitzsimons, Danielle McLaughlin, Jill Crawford, Neil Hegarty, Angelique Tran Van Sang, Anna Walsh, Mia Gallagher, Thomas Morris, Kevin Power, Niamh Campbell, Ian Maleney, John Patrick McHugh, Mary Morrissy, Tadhg Hoey, Susannah Dickey, Sean O'Reilly
The Stinging Fly Criticism Essay 6th January 2023
Contributors: Nicole Flattery, Niamh Mulvey, Najat Abed Alsamad, Gianluca Nativo, Louise Hegarty, Roisín O’Donnell, Lisa Owens, Oisín Fagan, Chetna Maroo, June Caldwell, with an introduction by Editor at Large, Thomas Morris
The Stinging Fly Essay Fiction 2nd January 2023
‘We are many selves, and often these selves have rival needs. Some kind of truce must be established, if the work is to get written.’
Kevin Power Essay 2nd November 2022
Alan McCormick Essay Issue 47, Volume 2: Winter 2022-23
Brenda Romero Essay Issue 47, Volume 2: Winter 2022-23
Joanne Touhey Essay Issue 47, Volume 2: Winter 2022-23
Shane O'Neill Essay Issue 47, Volume 2: Winter 2022-23
Tríona Bromwell Essay Issue 47, Volume 2: Winter 2022-23
Sarah Fitzgerald, Sara Chudzik, Anam Zafar, Majed Mujed and Neo Florence Gilson Essay Issue 47, Volume 2: Winter 2022-23
William Keohane Essay Issue 47, Volume 2: Winter 2022-23
‘Waitressing is a career of invention. An old manager of mine once convinced a table that a nail that had fallen into a guest’s grilled fish from a loose shelf in the kitchen was, in fact, just part of a fish hook, leftover from the fisherman’s own line that morning.’
‘Rejection, back when I’d just started sending out stories, felt crushing. It sat upon me like a physical thing, squat and heavy.’
Danielle McLaughlin Essay 28th July 2022
'I got through it, not by talking, or thinking my way out, but by feeling. At one point over that painful weekend, my gut in knots, I realised: if I can feel this, I can get through anything.'
'I received detailed rejections last year from editors who had requested over ten pages of my work. I have rewritten a specific story for a journal on the editor’s advice and it was still not accepted. None of this means I am a failure, or a bad writer.'
'There were times when I loved a book and felt in my bones that I could publish it well, only to bring it to a meeting and find that my colleagues didn’t feel the same.'
‘Writers have an advantage in this process: vulnerable as we are to the judgment of the world, we are also instinctively aware of the strength of an inner place, from which our best work always comes.’
‘I am the person and writer I am because I failed at a previous incarnation of life. Like most actors, I accumulated countless rejections and humiliations, surpassing in number my accomplishments.’
A series of short essays reflecting on the experience of rejection. Contributors: Danielle McLaughlin, Jill Crawford, Neil Hegarty, Angelique Tran Van Sang, Anna Walsh, Mia Gallagher, with an introduction by Thomas Morris.
Annick MacAskill Essay Issue 46, Volume 2: Summer 2022
Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith Essay Issue 46, Volume 2: Summer 2022
Christodoulos Makris Essay Issue 46, Volume 2: Summer 2022
David Toms Essay Issue 46, Volume 2: Summer 2022
Ellen Dillon Essay Issue 46, Volume 2: Summer 2022
Emily Cooper Essay Issue 46, Volume 2: Summer 2022
Gail McConnell Essay Issue 46, Volume 2: Summer 2022
Holly Pester Essay Issue 46, Volume 2: Summer 2022
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