Catrina Davies was born in Snowdonia and grew up in Cornwall. She lives, writes, surfs and sings in a shed near Land’s End. Her first book, The Ribbons are for Fearlessness, was published in 2014. Published here is an extract from her forthcoming second book, Why I Live in a Shed.
Catrina Davies
the wolf of Ossory (OR: Of the prodigies of our times, and first of a wolf which conversed with a priest)
A letter from Rebecca Cartello in Scarborough, England, to her sister Carla in Longreach, Queensland, 15 December 1955
shadowgraph 73: no longer magic (poetry detected in maria goeppert-mayer’s nobel physics lecture, 1963)
How a Magical Rambler named Margaret saved me from the funeral of everything and prepared me for the Cork Spring Poetry Festival 2012