Dr Fran Lock is a some-time itinerant dog whisperer, the author of seven poetry collections and numerous chapbooks, most recently Contains Mild Peril (Out-Spoken Press, 2019). Fran has recently completed her Ph.D. at Birkbeck College, University of London, titled, ‘Impossible Telling and the Epistolary Form: Contemporary Poetry, Mourning and Trauma’. She is an Associate Editor at Culture Matters.
Fran Lock
the wolf of Ossory (OR: Of the prodigies of our times, and first of a wolf which conversed with a priest)
A letter from Rebecca Cartello in Scarborough, England, to her sister Carla in Longreach, Queensland, 15 December 1955
shadowgraph 73: no longer magic (poetry detected in maria goeppert-mayer’s nobel physics lecture, 1963)